14 Doctors
5 Dental Offices
2 Radiology Units
We have been providing appropriate dental services in a friendly atmosphere and under safe conditions since September 2012, in Bucharest, District 1.
In order to transform a visit to the dentist into a pleasant experience, we pay special attention on an ongoing basis to all the elements that define a successful medical act:
- solving dental health problems in one place;
- the training level of the medical staff;
- access to advanced treatments and cutting-edge technologies;
- the location and the safety of the medical act;
In the field of the safety of the medical act, in Romania, we implement the latest EU standards and the recommendations of the “Best Practice” guides in the field, developed by accredited international organizations.
We own state-of-the-art technologies for instrument cleaning, decontamination and sterilization, in accordance with DIN EN ISO 15883-1 and 2 and EN ISO 13060.
“Smile Experts este locul unde mă întorc de plăcere şi fără să mă gândesc măcar o secundă la teama de durere. Iar acest sentiment de încredere mi-a fost cultivat în timp de către Dr. Andreea Alexandru prin grija şi profesionalismul de care a dat dovadă de fiecare dată.”

“For those who are considering to visit Smile Experts as dental clinic:If you think that going to the dentists are unpleasant and forced situations, than you should visit Smile Experts and their team. Simply cannot compare all other experiences with dentist I had, no matter where and when.

“The best dentist in Town. In Romania. In Europe. In the world. Andreea and her colleagues make every patient feel at ease. She never makes mistakes and ….I ended up with a Hollywood smile that would have cost £ 10.000, - in London with equivalent in CHF in Geneva or $ in Beverly Hills.

"Professional. Hygienic. Innovative. When I first came to Bucharest, I had to find a dental clinic in order to extract urgently 4 wisdom teeth. My x-ray seemed complicated and the case was not easy.

“I have been using Smile Experts for regular check-ups since they opened in 2012. I am very happy with the quality of the dental treatment and the general service, including phone calls to remind me of appointments! They have also given me good advice.

Microscope endodontic treatments
We fight for each tooth
Hi-tech equipment
High rates of success

3D Dental Prosthetics
Dental crowns and veneers in one hour
Perfect match
Aesthetics and natural look

Teeth in a day
Fixed teeth in less than 12 hours
Multiple dental implant system
Complete Oral Rehabilitation
We have brought dentistry in a new era, the one of digitalization.
With the help of digital technology, the work of the medical team gets new valences, setting new standards of quality and safety.
We use digital technology to deliver complex, safe and fast treatments in multiple areas:
Dental Aesthetics: dental veneers;
Dental prosthetics: dental crowns, inlays / onlays and dental bridges;
Implantology: dental crowns on implants;
Orthodontics: digital scanning and online sending of optical impression to laboratories from USA or Germany for designing and manufacturing of personalised invisible dental appliances Invisalign® and Incognito®.
Dental rehabilitation in one visit to the dentist
Digital tehnology reduces the period of the treatments, while increasing the comfort and safety of the patient.
Treatments such as dental crowns, inlays, onlays, dental bridges made traditionally over periods of time of around 10 days, coupled with multiple visits at the office can be done now at Smile Experts in one visit lasting one hour.